Members and sponsors

Who are we? Who supports us?

Founder members

  • Gottfried Brenner, Initiator and CEO of Bäume für Menschen – Trees for the World
  • Dr. Olaf Anders, Dipl.-Agriculturalist, former DSE
  • Dr. Michael Heising, Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschlands, DIHT-Environment Committee
  • Frank Löhnert, namibian ambassy
  • Dr. Erich Mies, Dipl.-lumberjack, Deutsche Stiftung für Internationale Entwicklung (DSE)
    (German foundation for international Aid)
  • Ute Quink-Ernst, Deutscher Industrie- und Handelstag (Federation of German Chambers of
    Industry and Commerce
  • Holger Werkes, merchant

Scientific consultants

  • Dr. Ralph Mitlöhner, Universiy of Göttingen, Ass. Professor für tropischen Waldbau
    (professor for tropical forestation)
  • Dr. Bernd Stimm, Technische Universität München-Weihenstephan, Lehrstuhl für Waldbau
    und Forsteinrichtung (stool for sylviculture, technical university of Munich)
  • Armin Haberl, Dipl.-forest official (retired)
  • Gero Brehm, Forstoberrat, Bayerische Landesanstalt für forstliche Saat- und Pflanzenzucht,
    Teisendorf (head of forest department for seeds and plant breeding)

Consultant members

  • Michael Holm, writer
  • Harald Mielke, Dipl.-Biologist, travel- and foto-journalist

Special supporters and benefactors of the association

  • Minister Josef Miller, patron the activity Baumpatenschaft (tree parentship)
  • Bavarian state’s government, secretary of agriculture, forestry and alimentation
  • Deutsche Umwelthilfe (German Environmental Aid Association), Radolfzell (Partnership
    with the campaign “Lebendige Wälder” (living forests)
  • Dr. Klaus Böswald, Dipl.-forester, Berlin
  • Prima Klima, Stephan Martini, Dipl.-Forester

Supporters in Namibia

  • Mr Dengeinge, urban planner von Ondangwa
  • Mrs Teopolina Mushelenga, ancient mayor of Ondangwa, now parlamentary representative
  • Mr Fumeha Shigweda, head of town administration, Ondangwa (past)
  • Mr Paul Njodhi, health inspector
  • First National Bank of Namibia
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We, Bäume für Menschen – Trees for the World® (Club seat: Germany), process personal data for the operation of this website only to the extent technically necessary. All details in our privacy policy.