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Bäume für Menschen – Trees for the World®
have already planted more than 630.000 trees

logo_baeume_fuer_menschen_rTo plant trees means to preserve our future

Our aim is to prevent the destruction of forests, which are a resource and fundament for human life on earth, by research for renewable energies, education and social projects. For almost 20 years we have been fighting for the preservation of Africa’s dry broadleaf forests, protecting the climate and securing an important livelihood of the population.

We do not just plant a tree – we make climate forest for the future of all people including our children. You want to participate? Plant and foster a tree with us in Africa and support our social project, the Johannis-Kindergarten in Namibia at the same time.

With their social projects, the environmental organization Bäume für Menschen – Trees for the World® help people & nature.

As a recognized nongovernmental organization (NGO), we have been active in the international aid for Africa since 1996, Our NGO is globally oriented and meets the DZI transparency standard guidelines.

Do you have any questions or want to get more information? Just contact us!


Here is a selection of some universal
advantages of our work and activity – there
are many more!

• protection of the trees as a source of life for all of us
• improvement of climate change mitigation
• preservation of many animal and plant species
• research for renewable energy sources
• global orientation
• transparency according to DZI-guidelines
• international aid on the African continent
• projects that can serve as a standard for the whole of the African continent
• creating better educational opportunities

• creating apprenticeship training positions
• creating sustainable jobs
• sustainable social projects
• child care and youth encouragement scheme
• supporting global CO2-aims
• longtime experience in plant growing methods
• reafforestation of devastated areas, Plantations and semiarid areas
• publicly relevant environmentalism
• creation of highly productive tree nurseries

• establishing necessary networks
• developing and installing highly sophisticated methods in forestry
• Realization of forestry and agroforestry projects
• Efficient seed logistics
• most modern reafforestation monitoring
• project development applying patent-registered LogoWald®
• monitoring of land acquisition
• Political network on highest level
• realization of government contracts

Offer a real peace of nature!

You can directly support ecology and conservation of nature by planting new forests fostering a tree! This fostering breathes new life into devastated forests.

In fact, you do not only support ecology and the preservation of biodiversity, but you also help filtering CO2 out of the atmosphere and protecting our climate.

Our foster tree concept is a fancy gift idea which is going to be remembered a whole lifetime. No matter if it is for Christmas, a birthday, a baptism, a birth or just without specific reason: a real piece of nature is a very good idea for a gift.

Forests are the green heart of our planet which
has to be conserved at any cost.

Our global projects protect trees, that are a source of life for all of us, the climate and many animal and plant species. We create jobs, apprenticeship training positions and school opportunities. Help us!

What is so important about the arboretum in Namibia?

The arboretum in Namibia is a collection of indigenous woods in danger of extinction. Many of the rare trees, shrubs and plants are in real danger, and with our projects, we try to conserve them for future generations. Those who visit our arboretum can study the diversity of a formerly thick dry broadleaf forest on a nature trail. Especially in times of climate change our forests are an important fundament for the biodiversity and a healthy environment. They guarantee clean phreatic water and quality soil, are home to many animals and plants, they are a carbon dioxide sink essential for survival and they represent the livelihood for the local rural population.

Here is how you can help

We were able to convince you and you want to support us? Wonderful! Help is welcome in any form! Here is what you can do:

Please donate

Please donate

The pay-in slip of a donation up to 50 € is equivalent to a tax deductible contribution receipt if your donation is declared as such.

Become a children pate!

Each year more than 9 million children die due to hunger or avoidable disease such as diarrhea or
malaria before their 5th birthday.

Get involved!

You can work in our projects and help us long-term improve the livelihood of many people and
conserve nature.

What else can we do to convince you?

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